Noise Surveys

Comprehensive Environmental Noise Surveys

Amplitude Acoustics team offer expert environmental noise surveys to help you identify, measure, and manage noise levels in various environments. Our services are designed to ensure compliance with local and national regulations, enhance the quality of life, and support sustainable development.

Why Conduct an Environmental Noise Survey?

Environmental noise surveys are crucial for several reasons:

  • Annual Noise Monitoring: EPA licenses facility have specific noise limits and annual noise monitoring requirements. Typically annual noise monitoring has to be completed in accordance with EPA Document.
  • Noise Complaints Investigation: Industrial and Commercial facilities generally require all environmental noise complaints to be logged and investigated to comply with their license or planning conditions. To confirm whether a complaint is valid an objective assessment should be undertaken in accordance with the guidance set out in BS 4142: 2014: Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound. This standard provides a comprehensive mechanism for measuring noise levels along with guidance relating to their assessment.
  • Tonality: Standard planning conditions and EPA license limits apply a penalty for tonality generated during the daytime and a requirement for no tonality to be clearly audible during the night-time period at nearby noise sensitive locations. Amplitude can conduct noise assessment that includes a narrow band or 1/3 octave band analysis, allowing the tonality to be objectively assessed. Amplitude can also help in identifying the cause of any tonality and provide advice on how to reduce or eradicate any tonality if required.
  • Baseline Noise Surveys: Baseline Noise Surveys allow for the existing noise environment understood prior to the introduction of a new development or facility. The baseline noise levels are an important factor in establishing the relevant noise limits for any new facility or the potential risks on newly introduced noise sensitive receptor, for example residential dwellings near busy roads and rail-lines.
An Amplitude Acoustics engineer conducting an environmental noise survey in a barley field

Our experience

All Amplitude technical staff achieve the have formal training in Acoustics and achieve the competency requirements outlined in EPA NG4 Guidance Note for Noise to conduct environmental noise surveys. We have successfully completed noise surveys at 100s of locations around Ireland including short term attended surveys and long-term noise monitoring.

Example Projects include:

Glanbia Dairy Plant in Co. Kilkenny

ITT Woodford 38 KV Substation

Dublin Airport Apron 5H

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