Wind Farm Noise Assessments

Wind Energy Developments are unique in that the noise they generate at a given location can vary with both wind speed and direction. The noise impact of development also depends in part on the extent of background noise generate by the wind in the absence of the development. It is therefore crucial that a robust noise impact assessment is conducted to ensure the noise impact of the wind farm is fully understood.

Relevant Guidance

Currently the Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2006) contain recommended noise limits to control operational noise from wind turbines. Current industry practice is to assess the wind farm noise to these guidelines. The methodology for measuring, predicting and assessing wind farm noise is outlined in the documents:

  • ETSU-R-97 The Assessment and Rating of Noise From Wind Farms
  • The Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guide for assessment of wind turbine noise (including supplementary guidance notes)

Special Audible Characteristics

Although uncommon, wind turbines and wind farms can generate special audible characteristics including

  • Tonality
  • Amplitude Modulation
  • Low Frequency Noise

It is highly unlikely that any specific information on special audible characteristics will be available at the planning application stage. However it has is becoming more common to control the presence of such characteristics within planning conditions.  At Amplitude we have the ability to identify such audible characteristics through advance data processing techniques.

Our Services

Amplitude are technical specialists in noise from windfarms and ancillary infrastructure. Our services include

  • Baseline Noise Monitoring
  • Noise Prediction Modelling:
  • EIAR Noise Chapters:
  • Operational Noise Monitoring.
  • Tonality Assessment
  • Amplitude Modulation Assessments
  • Low Frequency Noise Assessments
  • Noise Complaints Investigations
  • Expert Evidence
  • Due Diligence Reviews

Our Experience

As one of the leading acoustic consultancies in Ireland, Amplitude have extensive experience in Wind Farm Noise Assessments. Example projects include

Bilboa WindFarm, Co. Carlow

Carnsore Point Windfarm, Co. Wexford

Crockahenny WindFarm, Co. Donegal

Grousemount WindFarm, Co. Kerry

Contact Us

Should you have any questions regarding our Windfarm Noise Assessment services contact us today at

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